Monday, August 25, 2008

Oblique Roofs

Another great week at TAFE last week. Our focus was oblique roofs which I first thought was going to be a bit tough but after the first day I realised it's not a whole lot different to a normal roof. In brief these are the steps we followed to set out the oblique end. First, calculate the length of the oblique end. Next we work out the positioning of the centering rafters (Lets call the half span A, Long side B, short side C and oblique end D), this can be done by adding (B + D) -C divided by 2) we call this run B or C. Use this run to measure back each way from the corner and you have the position of your Jack and centering rafters. To calculate the Ridge is B-A-runB. This is how to set out the oblique end

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