Friday, August 29, 2008

Advanced Roofing - Wrap up

Today was the last day of TAFE fot this course. All i have now is to finish my time as an apprentice and get signed of on all the on site requirements before I get my trade so that's pretty exciting. The past few weeks of advanced roofing have been really valuable, my knowledge of the theoretical side of roofing has increased 10 fold and I feel pretty comfortable that I could tackle an oblique roof, develop the bevels and set it out with out to much difficulty. We've wrapped up the last two days of the course with a hexagon end roof and it finished up looking pretty schmick. I'm pretty stoked with myself in terms of how far i have advanced with my math, I remember the first few weeks of TAFE I wasn't excited to realise that this course involved a bit of math (I was a little bit nervous as it is the one subject I've always been pretty average on) but now I breeze through my calculations without much trouble at all. All in all, I've had a great time here, I've not only learnt heaps but also enjoyed my learning experience. Of course that's only possible with good teaching and good fellow apprentices so cheers to Paul and the other boys and whoever else was involved in TTT.

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