Monday, January 14, 2008

Tafe "08

First day back at TAFE in 08 and feeling refreshed and ready to get into it. We started of by taking a look at what we'll be doing over the few weeks, levelling, setting out and sub flooring.

Our first task was to take a look at different types of leveling devices available to us and then researching one of them individualy and presenting our findings to the rest of the group. I chose the plumb bob and it was quite interesting to find that this tool dated back to the ancient egyptians. It was a good exercise to familiarise ourselves to the tools available to us.

After lunch we had a go at setting up and checking a dumpy level for level. This involved driving to pegs into the ground at either side of the dumpy, getting them level and then setting up the dumpy at the other side of one of the pegs and checking ig they still sight as level. The link below has more detailed instructions on how to check the accuracy of the dumpy level.

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