Monday, January 21, 2008

set out and sub floor monday & friday

On friday we started by creating a site safety map for the outside work areas. After lunch we had a small test based on the 'carry all' from the last project, I think I went ok but a few questions stumped me. In the afternoon we started looking at the set out for a sub -floor.

On monday morning we started drawing up a stump, bearer and joist plan for a sub floor. This involved looking at a plan and deciding the must bearers stumps or joists and then working out how many more in the spaces based on the minimum spans.

After we had drawn the plans we wrote up a take off sheet and quote sheet to work out what we would order and what we would charge as if it were an actual job. The take off sheet included the number and actual length of the materials as well as details about the set out while the quote sheet included the orderable lengths, labor charges, Gst, overheads and profits

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