Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday, Wednesday

Over the past few days we've been going flat out constructing a sub-floor. Its great to put into practice what we've been planning in the classroom. We started by setting out the borders of the floor and then and then digging the appropriate amount of holes the stumps based on the max span allowable. We then put the stumps in and plumbed them up. Next we had to mark the hieght on the stump using a laser dumpy and then cut off the tops with a power saw. Doesn't sound like much for two days but it also included working out max spans and bearer positions and sizes and things like that in the classroom. I'm pretty happy with my understanding of what needs to be done and my ability to do it so far.

Monday, January 21, 2008

set out and sub floor monday & friday

On friday we started by creating a site safety map for the outside work areas. After lunch we had a small test based on the 'carry all' from the last project, I think I went ok but a few questions stumped me. In the afternoon we started looking at the set out for a sub -floor.

On monday morning we started drawing up a stump, bearer and joist plan for a sub floor. This involved looking at a plan and deciding the must bearers stumps or joists and then working out how many more in the spaces based on the minimum spans.

After we had drawn the plans we wrote up a take off sheet and quote sheet to work out what we would order and what we would charge as if it were an actual job. The take off sheet included the number and actual length of the materials as well as details about the set out while the quote sheet included the orderable lengths, labor charges, Gst, overheads and profits

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Today, as it was stinkin hot, we stayed indoors and did a lot of theory. We started up by finishing up the work book on levveling and set out. After smoko, we had a look at the building standards hand out. There was a lot of relevant info in there so I'm gonna have to go through it again but it's also good to keep as a reference.

After lunch, we went through the work books on sub flooring, focussing on estimating and ordering materials needed for a floor of set parameteres. A lot of math involved but managed to get through it without too many difficulties.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

dumpy tuesday

Today we spent familiarizing ourselves with the dumpy, using it to plot rise and fall and to measure distance. In the morning, in teams we plotted the rise and fall of the perimiter of the TAFE campus using the dumpy. After completing the circut we were only 45mm out over a 900m course so we were reasonably happy with that. We then plotted our results on a chart that included a line graph and the rise and fall of each 60m segment of the perimiter.

After lunch we focused on using the dumpy to measure distance. This can be done by positioning the dumpy over a mark (using a plumb bob for accuracy) and the staff at the point to which we plan to measure the distance. We then take the measurement on the staff between the top and bottom stradia marks and every centimetre equals 1m. Using the dumpy, the distance between the points we measured was 56m, we then double checked with a long tame and the distance was 55.8m.

Tommorrow we are going to take a look at setting out

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tafe "08

First day back at TAFE in 08 and feeling refreshed and ready to get into it. We started of by taking a look at what we'll be doing over the few weeks, levelling, setting out and sub flooring.

Our first task was to take a look at different types of leveling devices available to us and then researching one of them individualy and presenting our findings to the rest of the group. I chose the plumb bob and it was quite interesting to find that this tool dated back to the ancient egyptians. It was a good exercise to familiarise ourselves to the tools available to us.

After lunch we had a go at setting up and checking a dumpy level for level. This involved driving to pegs into the ground at either side of the dumpy, getting them level and then setting up the dumpy at the other side of one of the pegs and checking ig they still sight as level. The link below has more detailed instructions on how to check the accuracy of the dumpy level.