Thursday, September 6, 2007


This morning we continued with our plan view and side elevation drawings of our saw stool. I was far more confident today with my drawing compard to yesterday and I think it turned out pretty well. The drawings included cuttings list and lengths of timber, and we had to work out plan lengths and true lengths of the legs which involved using pythagorus. Just last week I wouldn't have had a clue how to do these calculations but I seem to have got my head around it now so I'm pretty pleased.

After lunch we started creating a 'photo story'. This is a presentation on the computer usings photos, written and audio commentary. The topic was the correct and safe use of power tools and Daniel and myself were allocated the circular power saw. I thought it was a great activity as it was much more engaging than just reading and studying about how to use a power saw safely and it has also given us a new way to present and prove our on-site work.

1 comment:

goddy said...

Your drawing was good .
It is good to have an older bloke in the class you feed back is help full Cheers