Monday, September 3, 2007


Today we started of in the classroom where we did some work in the work books. We covered measuring and marking equipment and some hand tools. It was quite interesting to see the range and different types of tools (5 or 6 different types of planes) and when and what they are used for.

We then went on to work in groups to plan and present information about a product that we use at the work place. We started this research on our first day here working individually but presented our findings as a group today. The group I worked in presented e-beams and we covered things like the different sizes it comes in, PPE needed when handling or using this product and how to install it.

We also went back to the workshop in the afternoon to continue working on our joints. I had a second go at the bridle joint and it came out much better than my first attempt, probably due to paying more attention in the marking out stage and cutting more carefully.

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