Thursday, August 30, 2007

Workshop Day 1

Great to be in the workshop after 3 days on the computers. Today we worked on the different joints, using hand tools and practicing our hand skills. Here are the steps involved for one of the joints we did:

1. Collect timber and plan.
2. Choose face side and edge and mark.
3. Mark out the joint on the timber according to the plan.
4. Cut (or chisel) out joint.
5. Fit and and adjust if neccessary.

Tools Used:

  • Tenon saw

  • Chisel

  • Hammer

  • Dove tail saw (for dove tail joint)

  • Vice

Safety Equipment:

  • Clear safety glasses

  • Long trousers

  • Steel capped boots

Safe work practices followed:

  • Keep the floor clear of offcuts to avoid tripping hazards.

  • Chisel away from the self and keep two hands on the chisel.

Some hand tool techniques to remember:

  • Use long saw strokes

  • When cutting timber down vertically, angle in vice so you can see two lines then reverse. See picture below.

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