Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hanging doors, fitting locks and skirting

In this next block of TAFE we're focusing on a bit of fixing work including hanging doors, installing locks and fitting skirting. On monday we started of by watching a few videos about how to go about hanging a door and istalling a lock. We then went out side and chose a dooor frame and measured it up to install the door jambs. After we had fittted the door jambs and they were plumb we grabbed a door and fitted it to the jambs. This was done by putting the door in its place, scribing the overlap and planing it back. We were trying to get about a 2 1/2mm clearance on either sides and the top, mine ended up pretty close on the sides but too big a gap at the top. After we had fitted the doors we marked on the hinge edge were the hinges would be, which was 200mm from the bottom (two hinge lengths) and 150mm from the top (1 1/2 hinge lengths) and one in the centre of those. we then scribed and chisseled away the waste so the hinge finished flush with the edge of the door. We then transferred the hinge placements to the door jambs by wedging the door in it's place, scribe and chisseled. The hinges were then screwed in place and the door hung.

After hanging the door our next task was fitting skirting to a template. This proved pretty tricky but rewarding when you ended up with a nice finish. I had to have a few goes at some of the cuts but in the end I feel I'd got the hang of it or at least gotten a lot better.

We then moved on to installing a lock and door handle to a bit of timber. This wasn't too difficult, it mostly involved just following the instructions on the packet. Overall it's been an enjoyable couple days at TAFE so far and I've gotten a lot out of it.

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